Hi Trader,
This is nuts...
Not only is China testing new digital currency wallets...
Not only did its biggest banks ban gold...
But the country also just pulled the rug out from under the biggest IPO in history... a fintech that threatened Beijing's financial firepower.
What's happening around the world is scary...
The rules of money are quickly being rewritten.
But it could get worse... much worse.
I'm convinced that Washington is thinking of making a similar move.
Some say this could be the only way to "protect" the dollar and the American economy from all that's just happened.
I say it's big trouble.
I've outlined what's happening...and what you can do right now to get prepared.
All the details are at this link. (by clicking this link, you will automatically be opted into receive emails from the Manward Letter. Privacy Policy)
But hurry... this is all unfolding fast.
(by clicking this link, you will automatically be opted into receive emails from the Manward Letter. Privacy Policy)
Be well,
Andy Snyder
P.S. When another country tried what I think is headed our way, it was utter chaos. Gold prices soared overnight. I've got footage of the fallout at the banks at this link. (by clicking this link, you will automatically be opted into receive emails from the Manward Letter. Privacy Policy)
iDigital Market |
Gold is in Trouble
By -
March 17, 2022
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