Three stocks that could be setting up for cheap weekly options!

Edward Lance Lorilla
By -
These options allow us to supercharge our returns in just 24 hours
Are you interested in targeting cheap weekly options? 

Here’s why you should be rubbing your hands together eagerly at the mere thought of these types of trades… 

You can actually get a lot more leverage… without paying for the time decay like you do when it comes to trading regular-priced swing trade options. 

Plus, they’re extremely affordable, have amazing liquidity, and allow us to supercharge our returns in just 24 hours! 

For example, look at Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF)… 

Now if you were trading “normal options” it would have cost around $965 to get in…

But with the weekly options… It only would have only cost $103

And just look at the difference in the returns…over the next 24 hours… 

Obviously, the $103 investment with the 74% gain! 

Well, guess what… 

I’ve got 3 stocks that could be setting up for cheap weekly option trades…

And while I cannot promise future returns or against losses, you can have the names of these stocks for FREE by attending the live session this Tuesday. 

Just tap this link to sign up.

Then let’s plan on catching up at 11am eastern. 

Talk soon!

Graham Lindman

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